Thoughts shape the way we live. The information we receive is what defines us as a person. Ambitious students, such as yourself, need adequate information to become the person they always want to be. Clinging to the best books to read for students is one of the prominent ways to cater information from the most reliable, tried, and tested resources in your 20s. May great authors make their way to their dream selves and write books as tour guides to make it easier for you.
I love to read books and came across many such knowledgeable books to read for students. So let’s explore such books that will prepare you to enter your 20s well-equipped to begin your venture.
Benefits of Reading Books
Books can shape the way we live in this world. They can provide us with the best financial mindset, healthy consciousness, and a way to spiritual enlightenment. On top of that, books are capable of providing you with a pump of motivation that you may require along the way as well. Besides these, here are some more benefits of reading books.
Patience and Perseverance
Hyperactive minds need books to settle down. In this fast-moving era, people forget to stop and take time. With the decreasing attention span and raising mind problems like Depression, Anxiety, and Parkinsons, reading books can be a quick getaway.
Conclusive Habits
Habits are the subconscious instructions that our minds follow throughout our lives with any question. Such habits or instincts can alter your faith as described in many books by successful authors like The Bhagavad Gita, The Atomic Habits, etc. Thus reading books is the best way to make a habit of acquiring useful information. Simply reading them every day can perform miracles for you.
Linguistic Expertise
It’s no surprise to say that we have to learn various languages and information about various cultures to live in our connected world. New opportunities present themselves to well equip personalities. So become one by reading respective books. Knowledge is the weapon of the decade so equip yourself with it.
Uplift your Consciousness
Humans are conscious beings with almost never-ending possibilities. Becoming more conscious of our surroundings and reality makes us better people and brings peace and resilience to our lives. Books can help you uplift your consciousness and become a super being.
Now let’s discuss some of the books by great authors that are proven on the hardship of time as a fruitful asset to anyone who dares to read them. So, here are some of the life changing best books to read in 20s. Let’s go.
Success and Motivation Books For Students
Motivation and a Positive attitude contribute to the success a person achieves. Having a motivated mindset can make an unimaginable difference in a student’s carrier. So here are some of the best books for students to read to be ever motivated.
Success Factor
Author: Fred Goodwin
Genre: Quotes ONLY, Motivation, Inspiration

Success Factor is a book that focuses on providing practical advice and inspiration to individuals who want to achieve success in their personal and professional lives. The author emphasizes the importance of setting goals, developing a positive attitude, and taking action toward achieving those goals.
It is one of my personal favorite books as it gives a quick read through all the best quotes on success by great people who ever lived. The book is undoubtedly among some of the best books to read for students in their 20s. These quotes provide a surge of positive energy and the mindset of a successful person, which is the most important thing for a student in their 20s.
What you can learn from this Book?
- You can learn the true “Success Factor” after completing the book.
- The power of positive thinking.
- What mindset is required to become a great person.
Think and Grow Rich
Author: Napoleon Hill
Genre: Success & Motivation, Inspiring Stories, Tips

Think and Grow Rich is a classic book that has helped millions of people achieve their financial and personal goals. The author Napoleon Hill himself is a successful man and he researched for 25 years on the behavior, habits, and stories of successful people.
The result he found from all these efforts is summarized in this book, think right and you can become rich. It is among one of my favorite books, as a teenager, and highly recommended for all ambitious individuals in their 20s. The book emphasizes the power of positive thinking, visualization, and persistence as key factors in achieving success.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Strategies of the most successful people in the world can be applied to achieve any kind of goal.
- Unheard stories of the great names in the past.
- Life lessons and how thoughts can be the key to changing everything.
The Magic of Thinking Big
Author: David J. Schwartz
Genre: Motivation, Instructional, DIY (Do It Yourself)

The Magic of Thinking Big is a self-help book that provides practical advice on overcoming negative thinking and achieving success in all areas of life. The book had a significant impact on me personally when I first read it, and now still a quick read makes my heart pump again.
The author emphasizes the importance of developing a positive attitude, setting goals, and taking action toward achieving those goals. The book offers strategies for overcoming fear, building confidence, and creating a success-oriented mindset.
What you can learn from this Book?
- How to take action on your thoughts
- How to become a positive person
- How to let go of the fear of conversation. (Highly recommended for introverts)
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki
Genre: Financial Education, Money Mindset, Stories

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a personal finance book that provides insights into the mindset and habits of wealthy people. The author himself is a millionaire, a businessman in real estate, and a strategic investor. He shares his own experiences and those of his “rich dad” and “poor dad” to illustrate the differences between the ways that the rich and the poor think about money.
I always love the stories he wrote in his book about the mindset difference between his rich dad and poor dad. The book emphasizes the importance of financial education, investing in assets, and creating passive income streams. It is one of the best books to read for students in India to conquer the passive mindset. Highly recommended for anyone in their 20s.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Financial Literacy.
- Learn how money works in this world.
- How to avoid debt traps and become a successful person.
The Intelligent Investor
Author: Benjamin Graham
Genre: Intelligent Investing, Strategies, Stories

The Intelligent Investor is considered the best book ever written on inverting, and I personally think so too. It is a classic book on investing that provides insights into the principles and strategies of value investing. Benjamin emphasizes the importance of investing in companies that are undervalued by the market and have a strong financial position.
The book offers practical advice on how to evaluate stocks, bonds, and other investments, as well as how to manage risk and build a long-term investment portfolio. Investing is a skill that every individual in their 20s must learn and this book is a perfect start.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Strategies to find companies worth investing your money in.
- A financial mindset that a successful investor must have.
- Learning the important principles of investing.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Author: Stephen R. Covey
Genre: Instructional, Motivation & Success, DIY

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a self-help book that provides practical advice on how to achieve personal and professional success. The author identifies seven habits that are common among highly effective people: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand, then be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw. He offers strategies for developing these habits in oneself. The book emphasizes the importance of being proactive, setting goals, and building strong relationships with others.
What you can learn from this Book?
- How to build up a good habit
- Importance of having good habits
- How to get free from the bad habits
Self-Improvement Books For Students
Self-improvement books for students offer invaluable guidance and inspiration. Whether you’re feeling lost or seeking to enhance your personality, good inspirational books to read can provide actionable advice and insight. These best books to read for personality development can help you achieve your goals and improve your overall well-being.
Author: David Epstein
Genre: Stories, Self Improvement, Mindset

This book explores the idea that generalists, individuals with diverse experiences and knowledge, are often more successful than specialists in today’s rapidly changing world. The author uses examples from sports, science, and business to demonstrate how having a range of skills and experiences can lead to greater innovation and success.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Why it is important to explore a range of activities from early stages.
- The opportunities the range will present you.
- Benefits of excelling in multiple things rather than specializing in the modern world.
Author: Chris Bailey
Genre: Habit, Mind, Tips

In a world of infinite possibilities, we are unable to capture anything at all. This book is a guide to managing your attention to increase productivity and achieve your goals. The author presents practical strategies for improving focus and avoiding distractions, as well as tips for organizing your time and tasks to maximize effectiveness. Particularly beneficial for students to increase productivity and focus on their work.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Tips to improve your work productivity
- Ability to focus on individual tasks
- Peace of mind
Atomic Habits
Author: James Clear
Genre: Habits, Health, Consciousness

Humans are just the pile-up of the atomic habits that have been building in the years they lived in this world. With a new set of habits, you can transform yourself into your dream self. This book offers a step-by-step guide to creating and maintaining good habits.
The author presents practical strategies for breaking bad habits and building new ones, as well as techniques for overcoming common obstacles to habit formation. This book is most recommended among the life changing books to read in your 20s.
What you can learn from this Book?
- A thorough understanding of consciousness
- How to build up good habits and leave them in autopilot mode
- How to use the most powerful tool at your disposal
The Power of Habit
Author: Charles Duhigg
Genre: Habits, Life, DIY

This book explores the science of habit formation and how it affects our behavior and decision-making. Charles uses examples from everyday life, business, and social movements to demonstrate how habits can be changed and leveraged to achieve success. You are soon going to realize the true potential of habits, and how they can change your life.
What you can learn from this Book?
- The true potential of yourself
- Habits formation and core understanding
- Real-life examples to understand the significance
The Power of Positive Thinking
Author: Norman Vincent Peale
Genre: Self-help, Story, Mind

This classic self-help book advocates for the power of positive thinking to transform one’s life. The author presents practical techniques for overcoming negative thoughts and achieving personal and professional success. You may never know how the negative thoughts will make you do. They can compel you to do things that you might regret for the rest of your life. Know how to be positive in your early 20s.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Tips to overcome negativity in their mind
- Power of positive thinking
- The effect you can bring into your life with some subtle changes
As a Man Thinketh
Author: James Allen
Genre: Self-Help, Psychology, Success

This short, classic self-help book argues that our thoughts determine our destiny. James Allen presents a philosophical framework for taking control of one’s thoughts to achieve success and happiness. If you want a book to learn the way of living and something light this book is the one to go.
What you can learn from this Book?
- How our thoughts work
- Ways to take control of your life
- Lead a happy life while you are in control
Best Self
Author: Mike Bayer
Genre: DIY, Habit, Mind

Best Self is a perfect book to achieve your best self and become the dream person you always wanted to be. This book offers a personalized plan for achieving your goals and becoming your best self. The author presents a step-by-step process for identifying your strengths and weaknesses, setting goals, and creating a plan for personal growth and development.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Learn tips and guide to become your best self
- Ways to plan your life on your own terms
- How to reach your goal of becoming your best self.
Spirituality Books For Students
Spirituality is a domain where a person learns to control himself and uplift his consciousness. Students can learn many important lessons from such ancient pearls of wisdom from Bhartiya (Indian) cultural eternal books. Here are some of the best Hindi books to read and learn the best way of living.
Bhagavad Gita
Author: Maharishi Ved Vyas
Genre: Spirituality, Self-Realisation, Life

Bhagavad Gita is the most wholesome text about the life and universal truth that you can get in such a concise form. Spoken by Lord Krishna himself, the message presented is relevant to all and is helpful in many ways. The principles discussed in the text are easy to understand and can be implemented by anyone in their life. One of the best books to read in Hindi although it is available to read in English as well. The book starts with material aspects of life and, after revealing various forms of Yoga, goes on to satisfy your spiritual needs.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Ways to live life in a responsible and happier way.
- Know the nature of your existence.
- Learn about absolute truth, your relation with him, and ways to attain it.
Author: Maharishi Valmiki
Genre: Life, Action, Adventure, Devotion

Ramayana is one of the history (“itihaas”) from the Vedic Indian Scriptures. It has the story of Lord Rama (one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu) that teaches us the epitome of moral values. It shows the correct way to live our life not just for ourselves but to serve others. There are many instances in Ramayana from which we can learn courage, devotion, self-realization, ethics, and more. If you are a fan of indian books to read, like I am, ramayana is a great start!
What you can learn from this Book?
- Ability to make the right decisions in life.
- Learn to stay calm in the chaos.
- Importance of fulfilling one’s duties.
- The power of perseverance and determination.
- Devotion and selfless surrender to God.
Srimad Bhagavatam
Author: Maharishi Ved Vyas
Genre: Spirituality, Self-Realization, Life

Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavat Purana is a must-read book for students to know God in its entirety. You will learn about various incarnations of Lord Vishnu, their purpose of coming, and their teachings to the world. This book is a sure-shot way to connect with God.
You will find immense pleasure to read the pastimes of God with their devotees. Also, the Sanskrit verse written here is considered to be the epitome of poetry in Indian Vedic Scriptures. The book is among the few spiritual books to read during pregnancy, that might even benefit your child.
What you can learn from this Book?
- The science of rendering devotional service to God.
- The power of spiritual knowledge.
- The importance of living a moral, ethical, devotional life.
Health Books For Students
Health Books for Students offer valuable insights into various aspects of healthcare, from anatomy and physiology to disease prevention and treatment. Reading such books can enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of health-related topics, equipping them to make informed decisions about their own health and well-being.
Power Pranayama
Author: Dr. Renu Mahtani M.D.
Genre: Physiology, Health, Consciousness

Power Pranayama is a comprehensive guide to breathing techniques and their benefits. This book explains the science behind pranayama, its importance in the practice of yoga, and how to use it to improve physical and mental health.
The book covers various breathing exercises and techniques for different purposes, including stress relief, relaxation, and improving focus and concentration. It also includes tips on how to incorporate pranayama into your daily routine and how to get the most out of each practice. This is one of the best books to read for beginners in India as it’s short and engagingly teaches some valuable practices.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Important breathing practices to gain ultimate control of your body
- Tips to improve your life by normal breathing practices
- Learn the way of yoga and improve your daily lifestyle
Author: Vedic text for God
Genre: Scripture, Health & Tips

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that has been used for thousands of years to promote health and well-being. This book provides an introduction to Ayurveda, its principles, and its practices. It covers topics such as the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), Ayurvedic diet and nutrition, Ayurvedic herbs and remedies, and Ayurvedic massage and bodywork. The book also includes a self-assessment quiz to help readers determine their dosha type and offers guidance on how to balance their doshas for optimal health.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Find your body type and suitable foods and activities accordingly
- Learn the ancient science of health
- Uncover some ancient consent to look at our health
How Not to Die
Author: Dr. Michael Greger
Genre: Health, DIY

How Not to Die is a bestselling book by Dr. Michael Greger that explores the link between diet and chronic disease. The book examines the top 15 causes of death in the United States and provides evidence-based recommendations for preventing and reversing these diseases through a plant-based diet. It also includes recipes and meal plans to help readers make the transition to a healthier diet. The book emphasizes the importance of eating whole, plant-based foods and avoiding processed and animal-based foods to achieve optimal health and longevity.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Find out the way to live a better life
- Learn some healthy easy meal recipes
- Ways to prevent chronic disease with small easy steps
Literary Classics For Students
Beautiful books to read are not only enjoyable but also visually appealing. These aesthetic books to read can transport you to different worlds with stunning illustrations, typography, and design. From classic literature to modern novels, there is always a beautiful book to add to your reading list.
Author: George Orwell
Genre: Story, Novel, Conspiracy

1984 is a classic dystopian novel by George Orwell that depicts a totalitarian society where individualism and independent thought are outlawed, and people are oppressed by the ruling government’s manipulation of language, media, and propaganda.
This book is a cautionary tale about the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of preserving our freedom and privacy. For students, this book can be a valuable tool to understand the consequences of blindly following authority and the importance of free speech and critical thinking.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Important lessons and a mindset to research and find an authentic source of information
- The double standards of our modern world
- A mindset to take wise decisions
Maharana Pratap: The Invincible Warrior
Author: Rima Hooja
Genre: History, Bravery, Strategy

Maharana Pratap: The Invincible Warrior” is a historical account of the legendary warrior and ruler of Mewar, Maharana Pratap. The book delves into his life, struggles, and battles against the Mughals, particularly against Emperor Akbar, and his unwavering determination to defend his kingdom’s sovereignty.
The book tells us how even against the bitter odds he with his few brave warriors depleted Mughal armies and reestablished a flourishing nation intact. For students, the book provides a fascinating insight into Indian history and culture, and it can inspire them to learn about other notable figures who fought for their country’s freedom.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Learn about the legendary figure Maharana Pratap who wielded a 50 kg swords
- The person who cut down through enemy along with their horses
- Lessons from the great warrior undefeated till the end
The Catcher in the Rye
Author: J.D. Salinger
Genre: Story, Psychology, Mindset

The book is a coming-of-age novel that follows the story of Holden Caulfield, a teenager who struggles with his identity and the hypocrisy of the adult world. It is a story of alienation, rebellion, and the search for authenticity. For students, this book can be a valuable lesson on the challenges of growing up and the importance of staying true to oneself.
What you can learn from this Book?
- A glimpse into the world of adulthood
- Importance of staging truly to oneself
- Ways to solve problems
Lord of the Flies
Author: William Goldin
Genre: Psychology, Human Instincts, Story

“Lord of the Flies” is a classic novel that depicts the descent of a group of boys into savagery and violence after they become stranded on a deserted island. It is a story of the inherent evil in human nature and the struggle between civilization and primal instincts. For students, this book can be a valuable lesson on the importance of social order, cooperation, and leadership in maintaining a stable society.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Learn some of the prime human instincts
- Leadership qualities
- How we are well connected in civilization, a need to learn and evolve
Brave New World
Author: Aldous Huxley
Genre: Morals, Story, Fantasy

“Brave New World” is a dystopian novel that imagines a world where people are conditioned to be happy and content through drugs, sex, and entertainment. It is a story of the dangers of a technologically advanced society that values pleasure over freedom and individuality. For students, this book can be a valuable lesson on the importance of critical thinking, self-awareness, and resisting social conformity.
What you can learn from this Book?
- A glimpse of the future where we are headed
- The destruction freedom can cause, if unchecked
- Learn the way to live happily
The Diary of a Young Girl
Author: Anne Frank
Genre: Realization, Story, World Extremes

“The Diary of a Young Girl” is a memoir by Anne Frank that documents her life in hiding during the Holocaust. It is a story of hope, courage, and resilience in the face of extreme adversity. For students, this book can be a valuable lesson on the power of empathy, tolerance, and the consequences of discrimination and hatred.
What you can learn from this Book?
- A valuable lesson of hope
- The dark side of human society
- Importance of faith, admiration, and courage
Philosophy and Fiction Books For Students
Philosophy and fiction books offer valuable insights into human nature and society, making them essential reading for students. Psychology books also provide a deep understanding of the human mind and behavior. These are some of the best psychology books to read for students in their 20s.
The Alchemist
Author: Paulo Coelho
Genre: Fantasy, Story

It is a beautiful tale of a shepherd boy named Santiago who embarks on a journey to fulfill his personal legend. The story teaches us to follow our dreams and listen to our hearts while also emphasizing the importance of perseverance and determination. This book can be a great inspiration for students as it encourages them to pursue their passions and find their true purpose in life.
What you can learn from this Book?
- A lovely book with an inspiring story
- The true definition of Passion
- An alternative way to look at the world
Author: Yuval Noah Harari
Genre: Theoretical history, Story, Informational

Sapiens is a fascinating read that takes the reader on a journey through the history of humankind. The book explores how humans evolved and how we came to be the dominant species on earth. It also delves into the social and cultural developments that shaped our world. This book can be a valuable resource for students as it provides an in-depth understanding of our past, which can help us make sense of the present.
What you can learn from this Book?
- A journey through the evolution of humankind
- From where we came from and where we are headed
- Valuable unheard facts and pictures from our past
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Author: Jonathan Livingston
Genre: Life lesson, Story, Mythical

This book is a timeless classic that explores the complexities of human relationships. The story revolves around a seagull and its struggles with freedom and social norms.
The book provides a deep insight into the human psyche and can help students understand the complexities of human emotions and society’s limitations with an interesting story of a seagull who works very hard to reach the next level. This book is my personal favorite and one of the best mind books to read I have ever read.
What you can learn from this Book?
- How to keep growing even if the odds are against you
- The drive to do and learn something
- The ultimate truth and the fear that holds us back
To Kill a Mockingbird
Author: Harper Lee
Genre: Story, Morals, History

The book is a masterpiece that explores themes of racism and prejudice in the American South during the 1930s. The book tells the story of a young girl named Scout and her experiences growing up in a small town. The book offers a powerful message about the importance of standing up for what is right and can help students develop a strong sense of social justice.
What you can learn from this Book?
- Moral lessons from history
- A deep understanding of human society
- A mindset to overcome the evils of the past
Reading is an excellent way for students to enhance their knowledge and broaden their horizons. These 29 best books to read for students in 2023 are some of my hand-picked personal favorites, which encompass various genres and languages, including Hindi, making it a diverse list. Don’t miss out on reading these books, including the best Hindi books to read before you die.
It is rather valuable information
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